Rescuers of Jews
Eidintienė Zofija
From Jakov Gurvitch‘s Memoirs „The Road of Salvation for the Condemned”
For some time a friend of mine, Abraham Desiatnik, found me a job at the seminary’s manor house that was some 2 km from Telšiai in the village of Džiuginėnai. There were a few families that lived in this manor house, in the so-called seminary folwark: the Eidintas family, which I stayed with, and the Šimkus and Tekorius families.
I would like to emphasize that all three families helped me a lot. I lived there without fear, I worked and I was well fed. They all took care of me as if I was their child. Adelė Eidintaitė helped me in particular. She was only eleven, but had the mind of an adult. She went to Telšiai to Dr. Plechavičius to ask for clothes for me. When the Gestapo was looking for us, she again went to Telšiai to the Adomaitis family to ask them to take me to a safe place. She was an irreplaceable person to me and the first person to help in the times of trouble.
I stayed on this estate for a month and a half or two. At night I grazed the horses there. After some time the estate elder was replaced. The new elder knew who I was and helped me, however, I did not trust him and after some time I went to Vygantiškėss village and stayed there for a few weeks at the place of Leonas Austys.
From the 4th book Hands Bringing Life and Bread
The Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum
For some time a friend of mine, Abraham Desiatnik, found me a job at the seminary’s manor house that was some 2 km from Telšiai in the village of Džiuginėnai. There were a few families that lived in this manor house, in the so-called seminary folwark: the Eidintas family, which I stayed with, and the Šimkus and Tekorius families.
I would like to emphasize that all three families helped me a lot. I lived there without fear, I worked and I was well fed. They all took care of me as if I was their child. Adelė Eidintaitė helped me in particular. She was only eleven, but had the mind of an adult. She went to Telšiai to Dr. Plechavičius to ask for clothes for me. When the Gestapo was looking for us, she again went to Telšiai to the Adomaitis family to ask them to take me to a safe place. She was an irreplaceable person to me and the first person to help in the times of trouble.
I stayed on this estate for a month and a half or two. At night I grazed the horses there. After some time the estate elder was replaced. The new elder knew who I was and helped me, however, I did not trust him and after some time I went to Vygantiškėss village and stayed there for a few weeks at the place of Leonas Austys.
From the 4th book Hands Bringing Life and Bread
The Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum