Rescuers of Jews
This DVD includes the first book about the rescuers of Jews compiled by Sofija Binkienė "Unarmed Fighters" (,,Ir be ginklo kariai‘‘) / Compiler Sofija Binkienė. Vilnius, 1967, 296 p.
And Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum‘s books "Hand Bringing Life and Bread":
"Hand Bringing Life and Bread", volume 1 / Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, compilers Michail Erenburg and Viktorija Sakaitė. – Vilnius, 1997, 112 p.
"Hand Bringing Life and Bread", volume 2 / Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, compilers Dalija Epšteinaitė and Viktorija Sakaitė. – Vilnius, 1999, 134 p.
"Hand Bringing Life and Bread", volume 3 / Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, compilers Dalija Epšteinaitė and Viktorija Sakaitė. – Vilnius, 2005, 130 p.
"Hand Bringing Life and Bread", volume 4 / Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum, compiler and editor Danutė Selčinskaja. – Vilnius, 2009, 274 p.
Vilna Gaon State Jewish museum collects the information about Jewish survivors and Jews rescuers from its establishing year - 1989.
All the information about Jewish survivors and Jews rescuers was described in the books as it was known to the compilers at the time the books were issued.
When any additional data would be found, all this information will be revised – by introducing it into the computer terminal of the exhibition or preparing for publication the new issues of the museum or any other publishers exposing this information.