Rescuers of Jews

Markevičius Juozapas

Markevičius Juozapas
Date of birth (death): 1892-1989
Nationality: Lithuanian
County: Panevėžio aps.
Municipality: Kupiškio r.
Ward: Subačiaus sen.
Settlement: Trinapolis (nebėra)
Received the Righteous Among the Nations award: 1991
Received the Life Saviour's Cross Award: 1992

Sima Cijonienė
Šalomas Šorenzonas
Volfas Kušneris (Wolf Kushnir)
V.Kušnerio dukros Sonia ir Asia ir sūnus Josefas
(W.Kushnir's daughters Sonia and Asia and son Josef)
vairuotojas Levinas
advokatas Keselis
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