Rescuers of Jews
Rescuers of Jews
Names that Everyone has to Know
Mykolas Šimelis and Jadvyga Šimelienė
Polia and Moshe Musel remember
The Awarded Rescuers
Names that Everyone has to Know
Prison and Death for Help
Books on Jewish rescuing
The Righteous Among Nations
The Life Saviour's Cross
Additional information
Mykolas and Jadvyga Šimelis
Polia and Moshe Musel remember
TV show “Menora”
Video interview
Polia Musel
Vasilijus Baradulinas
List of the Rescued
Pictures of the Rescued
Pictures Taken After the War
Polia and Moshe Musel
Sitting in the first row from the left: Vidas Šimelis, Gražina Šimelytė, Gediminas Šimelis (the bridegroom), Ramutė Šimelytė. Standing from the left are: Salomon Nechmod, Polia Musel, Algis Šimelis, Feiga Nechmod. Vilnius, 1967
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