Sonia Madeisker was an active participant of revolutionary resistant movement in the Vilnius region. During the war, she lived illegally outside of ghetto border, under the name of Sofija Romanovska, and would carry out the tasks of the city anti-Fascist organization and the ghetto resistance organization. With the help of Sonia Madeisker, the Vilnius Ghetto underground movement participants, who escaped from the ghetto through the sewage pipes, reached the woods. Living outside the ghetto borders, Sonia Madeisker would look for places to hide children. Sonia was the first rescuer of the little Greg (Stan) Shershnevsky. She knew that Aleksandra Drzewiecka, who lived at Užupio Street, was taking care of children, and arranged that Aleksandra would take the son of her friends Rose and Ben Shershnevsky. In 1944, the gestapo arrested Sonia Madeisker, tortured and killed her at Lukiškės prison