Rescuers of Jews

Borisevičius Vincentas

We, the undersigned physicians Blatas Mausha-Aronas, Blatiene Miriam ir Kaplanas Dovydas, the residents of Telšiai town, testify:

1. After the Telšiai ghetto liquidation bishop Borisevičius sheltered and hid several Jewish women who managed to escape from ghetto prior to its liquidation.
2. Telšiai town bishop Borisevicius helped the Jews who hid in villages and at certain priests of Telšiai parish.
3. Telšiai town bishop Borisevicius in July 1944 helped to liberate our 4 years old daughter from the Telsiai prison. Thus he has rescued her life.

Dr. M.Blatas
Dr. M.Blatiene
Dr. D.Kaplanas

August 9, 1946

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