Rescuers of Jews
Budzinskas Antanas
Antanas BUDZINSKAS (1899–1967)
Benigna BUDZINSKIENĖ (1897–1975)
Stefanija BUDZINSKAITĖ (1921)
Benigna BUDZINSKAITĖ (1923)
Aloyzas BUDZINSKAS (1925)
Genovaitė BUDŽINSKYTĖ (1933)
Antanas Budzinskas, his wife Benigna and their four children - daughters Stefanija, Benigna, Genutė and son Aloyzas – lived on a farm in Degučiai (now Vilkai) village in the Telšiai District. Their farm was near a big forest. This family was known to the Shochot family before the war through their nanny Domicėlė Pagojutė. During the occupation Jehoshua found shelter twice at the Budzinskas family – at the end of 1942 and 1943. All the members of the Budzinskas family helped Jehoshua as much as they could. When in 1943 the Germans brought and accommodated Ukrainian families in some of the neighbours’ houses by force, the family had to be very careful. Jehoshua would spend all days in the forest and would only come back to sleep at the place of the Budzinskas family. Food was brought to him by daughter Benigna, and one early morning before dawn her sister Stefanija harnessed the horse and took Jehoshua on the dark forest roads to another place, the place of Aniceta and Feliksas Čiuželis with whom the Budzinskas family had agreed beforehand.