Rescuers of Jews
Bušauskas Feliksas
their daughter Kazė BUŽAVIENĖ
their son Feliksas BUŠAUSKAS
their daughter Albina DAKINEVIČIENĖ
Feliksas and Teklė Bušauskas lived in the village of Guroniai before the war. The had 8 children in the family and were very well acquainted with the Jewish family Kalamitzky, who owned a farm in the village of Sepijoniškės, 3–4 km away from Guroniai. From the very beginning of the war the Bušauskas family started hiding 8 Jews in their house – Itzhak Kalamitzky, his wife Ida, their sons – Jacob and David, two Ida’s sisters – Sheina and Raya with her small son Emmanuel. Depending on the circumstances the Jews were hiding in the basement, in the cellar, in the hayloft, etc. When Feliksas felt the danger of a search he took a horse and drove the hiding Jews to the Dimša family, later Paškauskas family, who lived in the village of Klėriškės, where the Jews stayed until the end of the war.
In summer 2005 the son of Ida’s sister Raya Berkman-Shlom-Schiff – Emmanuel Shlom visited the children of Feliksas and Teklė Bušauskas and together with his rescuers he visited all the places where he was hiding as a small boy during the war.
Feliksas and Teklė Bušauskas, as well as their children – Kazė Bužavienė, Albina Dakinevičienė and Feliksas Bušauskas were acknowledged as Righteous Among the Nations in 2007.