Rescuers of Jews
Janonis Jonas
Ona JANONIENĖ and her children Jonas, Vera, Genovaitė
Steponas KAIRYS
Anusia Keilson, born 1930, lived with her parents in Vilna, occupied by the Nazis on June 24, 1941. She, her mother Zinaida and brother Mateusz were interned in the Vilna Ghetto. In January 1942 Anusia escaped from the Ghetto and came to the flat of Kirvelis family. There she was met by Emilija Kirvelienė and left for a night. Early in the morning Emilija took Anusia to Kaunas, to her friends Steponas and Ona Kairys. They had no children of their own and cared for Anusia with almost parental love. They taught her some school subjects at home, because she could not visit a regular school. At the end of 1942 the Kairys, who were involved in political activities, felt, that it is no more safe for Anusia to remain in their place and she was recommended as a housemaid to a certain family who didn’t know Anusia was Jewish. She stayed there until March 1943, when Vera Janonytė (Emilija’s niece) came to visit her and found that Anusia is working too hard for her age and not treated nicely. Vera picked Anusia up and brought to her mother’s home in Narvaišiai village, Užpaliai district, Utena region. Ona Janonienė and her children – Jonas, Vera and Genovaitė knew about her Jewish identity and sheltered Anusia until the liberation in July 1944.
After the liberation Anusia lived for some time with Vera Žvironaitė (Emilija’s and Ona’s sister) in Kaunas. Her father, mother and brother perished, as well as other family members. In 1948 Anusia found some remote relatives in Moscow and left Lithuania. Today she lives in Moscow and maintains contacts with people who took part in her rescue.
Ona JANONIENĖ and her children Jonas, Vera, Genovaitė
Steponas KAIRYS
Anusia Keilson, born 1930, lived with her parents in Vilna, occupied by the Nazis on June 24, 1941. She, her mother Zinaida and brother Mateusz were interned in the Vilna Ghetto. In January 1942 Anusia escaped from the Ghetto and came to the flat of Kirvelis family. There she was met by Emilija Kirvelienė and left for a night. Early in the morning Emilija took Anusia to Kaunas, to her friends Steponas and Ona Kairys. They had no children of their own and cared for Anusia with almost parental love. They taught her some school subjects at home, because she could not visit a regular school. At the end of 1942 the Kairys, who were involved in political activities, felt, that it is no more safe for Anusia to remain in their place and she was recommended as a housemaid to a certain family who didn’t know Anusia was Jewish. She stayed there until March 1943, when Vera Janonytė (Emilija’s niece) came to visit her and found that Anusia is working too hard for her age and not treated nicely. Vera picked Anusia up and brought to her mother’s home in Narvaišiai village, Užpaliai district, Utena region. Ona Janonienė and her children – Jonas, Vera and Genovaitė knew about her Jewish identity and sheltered Anusia until the liberation in July 1944.
After the liberation Anusia lived for some time with Vera Žvironaitė (Emilija’s and Ona’s sister) in Kaunas. Her father, mother and brother perished, as well as other family members. In 1948 Anusia found some remote relatives in Moscow and left Lithuania. Today she lives in Moscow and maintains contacts with people who took part in her rescue.