Rescuers of Jews
Koženiauskas Kazimieras
Kazimieras Koženiauskas with his wife Zofija and their six children Aldona, Voltera Gertrūda, Šarlota Irena, Žoržeta Alfreda, Mečislovas Zigfridas ir Vilius Romualdas during the war lived in Markutiskiai village, Jonava district.
Kazimieras Koženiauskas worked as a forester and was the elder of Markutiskiai village. In the forests of his supervision there were Jews from Jonava, escaped from the shooting place. They were hiding and supplied with food. Unfortunately, some of the neighbors informed the police about the hiding Jews.
From Kazimieras Koženiauskas‘ daughter Žoržeta Alfreda Adamonienė‘s letter 2015-03-17 to the museum:
On May 29, 1942, my father left to Jonava to the weekly meeting of the elders. He did not return from this meeting. I remember some man riding bicycle came and said to my mother that father was arrested and was in police. On May 31 my mother was informed that father was shot to death in Girele. Mother went to the police and there she received an explanation: father was shot because hiding Jews were found in the village. On our way back from Jonava, mother and me walked to Girele. There near the pine-tree mother found father‘s shoe and through the earth a piece of shirt was seen. In the police they said that father was shot and buried in a separate place. Further everything was burned.
After these events another forester came to the village for work and we transfered to Jonava to live there.
In the Lithuanian State central archive, from the archive fond of German security police and security service in Kaunas (F.R-972, ap.1, b. 538, 1.3 a. p) Kozeniauskas Kazys, living in Markutiskiai village was found written in the list of people arrested during the 1942-1944 years. In the column „When and what for was arrested“ and „when get freed or was sent to another place“ there was noted: “1942-05-29 kept connection with the hidings“ and „was shot 1942-05-31“.
Kazimieras Koženiauskas with his wife Zofija and their six children Aldona, Voltera Gertrūda, Šarlota Irena, Žoržeta Alfreda, Mečislovas Zigfridas ir Vilius Romualdas during the war lived in Markutiskiai village, Jonava district.
Kazimieras Koženiauskas worked as a forester and was the elder of Markutiskiai village. In the forests of his supervision there were Jews from Jonava, escaped from the shooting place. They were hiding and supplied with food. Unfortunately, some of the neighbors informed the police about the hiding Jews.
From Kazimieras Koženiauskas‘ daughter Žoržeta Alfreda Adamonienė‘s letter 2015-03-17 to the museum:
On May 29, 1942, my father left to Jonava to the weekly meeting of the elders. He did not return from this meeting. I remember some man riding bicycle came and said to my mother that father was arrested and was in police. On May 31 my mother was informed that father was shot to death in Girele. Mother went to the police and there she received an explanation: father was shot because hiding Jews were found in the village. On our way back from Jonava, mother and me walked to Girele. There near the pine-tree mother found father‘s shoe and through the earth a piece of shirt was seen. In the police they said that father was shot and buried in a separate place. Further everything was burned.
After these events another forester came to the village for work and we transfered to Jonava to live there.
In the Lithuanian State central archive, from the archive fond of German security police and security service in Kaunas (F.R-972, ap.1, b. 538, 1.3 a. p) Kozeniauskas Kazys, living in Markutiskiai village was found written in the list of people arrested during the 1942-1944 years. In the column „When and what for was arrested“ and „when get freed or was sent to another place“ there was noted: “1942-05-29 kept connection with the hidings“ and „was shot 1942-05-31“.