Rescuers of Jews
Mitkienė Leokadija
Stanislovas Mitkus ir Leokadija Mitkienė
Stanislovas Mitkus lived in Kaunas with his wife, Leokadija. In 1937, Mitkus fell seriously ill and was put in the Jewish Bikur Holim hospital of Kaunas, where he met Rita Krokaitė (Rele Krok), a nurse, who cared about him. After his recovery, Mitkus didn't meet Krok until 1943. After the Germans carried out a number of Aktionen in the Kaunas ghetto, Mitkus found Krok in the ghetto and offered her his help. One day, in October 1943, Rita Krokaitė (Rele Krok), dressed as a Lithuanian peasant woman, with Mitkus' help escaped from the ghetto. She was hiding in the Mitkus' house on the Tilžė street. Mitkus and Leokadija prepared one hiding place in the attic and another one in the cellar. Throughout the remaining nine months of German occupation, the Mitkus couple has hidden Rele Krok from their friends and relatives and and provided full care of her. In August 1944, with the liberation of Kaunas, Rele Krok left the house of her protectors.
Stanislovas Mitkus found a shelter for another two prisoners of the Kaunas ghetto – for Flinkaitė (whom he knew) and for her husband David Joselevičius. He agreed with Marija Adomaitytė that she would take them in. Marija lived in Kaunas on the Small Workers' street. Joselevičius with his wife lived in Marija Adomaityte's house till the end of the war.
In 1957 Rele Krok left to Israel. She continued holding close contacts with her rescuers for a long time.
Stanislovas Mitkus lived in Kaunas with his wife, Leokadija. In 1937, Mitkus fell seriously ill and was put in the Jewish Bikur Holim hospital of Kaunas, where he met Rita Krokaitė (Rele Krok), a nurse, who cared about him. After his recovery, Mitkus didn't meet Krok until 1943. After the Germans carried out a number of Aktionen in the Kaunas ghetto, Mitkus found Krok in the ghetto and offered her his help. One day, in October 1943, Rita Krokaitė (Rele Krok), dressed as a Lithuanian peasant woman, with Mitkus' help escaped from the ghetto. She was hiding in the Mitkus' house on the Tilžė street. Mitkus and Leokadija prepared one hiding place in the attic and another one in the cellar. Throughout the remaining nine months of German occupation, the Mitkus couple has hidden Rele Krok from their friends and relatives and and provided full care of her. In August 1944, with the liberation of Kaunas, Rele Krok left the house of her protectors.
Stanislovas Mitkus found a shelter for another two prisoners of the Kaunas ghetto – for Flinkaitė (whom he knew) and for her husband David Joselevičius. He agreed with Marija Adomaitytė that she would take them in. Marija lived in Kaunas on the Small Workers' street. Joselevičius with his wife lived in Marija Adomaityte's house till the end of the war.
In 1957 Rele Krok left to Israel. She continued holding close contacts with her rescuers for a long time.