Rescuers of Jews
Mordosas Bronislavas
Šeina Volpaitė
I was born on 17 May 1928 in Kruonis, the district of Kaišiadorys. When the war broke out I lived in Kaunas, and in August 1941 together with my mother I got into the Kaunas ghetto. In May 1943 we managed to escape from the ghetto. We hid in a shelter made by the farmer Bronislovas
Mordosas near Kaunas-Alytus highway in the village of Taduva, in the district of Kaišiadorys. The farmer's family was large - there were eight people in it. By hiding us they all risked their lives. My father Mausha Volpė was shot dead in the autumn of 1941.
When the war ended we moved to Vilnius. At first I attended pedagogical courses under the administration of Vilnius University. Later I graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry and started work at Vilnius Plant of Radio Measuring Devices. I worked there until my retirement.
Vilnius, 17 May 2001
Su adata širdyje. Getų ir Koncentracijos stovyklų kalinių atsiminimai.
With a Needle in the Heart. Memoirs of Former Prisoners of Ghettos and Concetration Camps. Vilnius, 2003
I was born on 17 May 1928 in Kruonis, the district of Kaišiadorys. When the war broke out I lived in Kaunas, and in August 1941 together with my mother I got into the Kaunas ghetto. In May 1943 we managed to escape from the ghetto. We hid in a shelter made by the farmer Bronislovas
Mordosas near Kaunas-Alytus highway in the village of Taduva, in the district of Kaišiadorys. The farmer's family was large - there were eight people in it. By hiding us they all risked their lives. My father Mausha Volpė was shot dead in the autumn of 1941.
When the war ended we moved to Vilnius. At first I attended pedagogical courses under the administration of Vilnius University. Later I graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry and started work at Vilnius Plant of Radio Measuring Devices. I worked there until my retirement.
Vilnius, 17 May 2001
Su adata širdyje. Getų ir Koncentracijos stovyklų kalinių atsiminimai.
With a Needle in the Heart. Memoirs of Former Prisoners of Ghettos and Concetration Camps. Vilnius, 2003