Beba Shatenstein-Taborisky

Beba Shatenstein-Taborisky

My dear, whatever happens, remember that all the brightest and the most wonderful recollections of my life will be of those people whom I met during these disastrous years in Lithuania. And you are the most wonderful of them all. I understand what you feel after what you have been through, but let all the recollections of your kindness which you gave to this world, helping so many people you helped to rescue risking your own life and the lives of your children, let the understanding of your kindness give you strength. There are very few people in the world who could be as proud of themselves for what they have done as you /.../

From Beba Shatenstein-Taborisky’s letter to Sofija Binkienė written on 9 April 1982
(Personal archive of Sofija Ligija Varčikaitė-Makutėnienė)
Keywords: gelbėtojai Binkienė Binkiai Varčikas
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