
We came together today, the inhabitants of Gelnai and Vandžiogala, the Director Mr. Vidas Mikalauskas. The students and teachers, the Israeli ambassador, Mr. Avi Benjamin, the representative of the Jewish community and other guests to honour the memory of Piotr Truskovsky, and Anela Vitkovska from Gelniu. These two people saved the lives of three Jewish youngsters. Therefore, Yad Vashem in Jerusalem honoured then with the Certificate and Medal of Righteous Gentile People Among the Nations.
Piotr and Anela kept us in hiding for 7 months after we escaped from the Ghetto in Kaunas during the Holocaust.
The tree of us, Jona Rochman, Chana Rochman-S(nee) Simon, and Shoshona Eckerling-(nee) Simon; Jona died several years ago. We stayed at their house until the Soviet army forces pushed the German army back and thus freed us from the German occupation. At that time for saving Jewish life when caught, one was sentenced to death.
Piotr and Anela were very poor people. They shared their tiny house and the little food they had.
They treated us like their children, their very gentle attitude, their courage and respect for life of strangers were exceptional and all this for almost nothing in return. All the people of Gelnai and surroundings should be very proud of them.
Just to give you an example, we want to tell you about one day of our stay with Piotr and Anela.
One Sunday, at the end of December 1943, both of them went to church in Vandžiogala, there they saw many soldiers and policemen who were searching the place with many dogs for prisoners who escaped Ninth Fort.
Piotr and Anela hurried back home in order to hide us better in their granary under straw. At night their came a sharp knock at the door, Anela opened and saw soldiers on their threshold. They wanted to search the house. Anela, who knew a few wors in German told them harshly off, saying that only two old people live here and they should not disturb their sleep. The soldiers went away.
Many times in order not to endanger them, we wanted to leave and go into the woods, and Piotr and Anela never let us. They emphasized that only at their house we will be safe.
After we were freed from the German occupation but before the end of the Second World War in 1945, we left quietly with false papers in order to go to Israel. Therefore, we couldn’t even tell them we were leaving. When we reached Israel after a long time, we got in touch with Piotr and Anela through the mail and managed to send some parcels. WE even got several answers. But after some time they asked us not to write or send parcels. They probably felt endangered by having contact with a capitalistic country.
Now we both have the opportunity to honour Piotr and Anela after their death. Yad Vashem, at our request, recognized Piotr and Anela as for what they were, Righteous Gentile People. We are happy that both of them have a tombstone. This is just a little what we could do for them, our Saviours.
Both of us thank the High School of Vandžiogala especially Mr. Vidas Mikalauskas who organized everything connected to this ceremony and to the placing of the tombstone. We hope the memory of Piotr and Anela will be as important to you all as to us.
We want to thank Mrs. Regina Kopilevich who helped also to bring to life this project.
We also want to thank Mr. Avi Benjamin, the Israeli ambassador and the representatives of the Jewish Community who honoured this occasion with their presence.
Many thanks.

Chana Rochman
Keywords: žydų gelbėtojai Truskovska (Vitkovska) Anela Truskovski Piotr
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