
Ženė Kalvariskytė-Živulinskienė

I was born in 1926.
My parents had a farm and worked the land like my grandparents and great-grandparents. When the war broke out they gave up everything and tried to save their lives. At the beginning of the war I got into a ghetto. Later I managed to escape. During the entire war the family of Antanas Adomynas, who lived in Lazdijai region in the village of Kelmynai, hid my family. We hid in the cattle-shed under the ground. At the end of the war the Germans dug trenches several metres away from that place. We heard them speaking with one another. At such moments we had to be especially careful.
On 1 August 1944 the Red Army liberated us.
My parents, my sisters and I survived. All other relatives of ours perished - aunts, uncles, and everyone else...

Kaunas, 22 March 2001

Su adata širdyje. Getų ir Koncentracijos stovyklų kalinių atsiminimai.
With a Needle in the Heart. Memoirs of Former Prisoners of Ghettos and Concentration Camps. Vilnius, 2003

Keywords: gelbėtojai Adomynas Ženė Kalvariskytė-Živulinskienė
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